Program I

Kappa League Mentoring

This Program impacts the lives of young men in grades 5 through 12 by helping them grow, receive, and develop their leadership talents through four major initiatives: College Prep, College Success, Social Action/Community, & Positive Vision. 

Over 45 students were served in 2022, with our chapter being recognized as Kappa League Chapter of the Year nationally for our program’s positive impact. Bi-Weekly Saturday meetings during the school year focus on academic and social enrichment as well as mental health awareness.

Program II


The Krimson Cornerstone Foundation is committed to helping young people continue their academic pursuit after high school by investing more than $10,000 in annual scholarships to high achieving high school seniors. In 2022, $10,500 was distributed according to need and merit to seven deserving seniors.

In the last five years, 40 scholarships have been awarded totaling over $50,000.

program III

Holiday Community Outreach

The Krimson Cornerstone Foundation addresses hunger in our community every holiday season by coming together and filling baskets with nutritious food items. We serve the baskets to students and their families from schools in the Rockdale/Newton County area. 

This has become our signature program, as we have been able to impact over 200 families in the last five years.

program IV

Senior Services

This Foundation is committed to enhancing the social, economical, and personal welfare of senior citizens in the Rockdale and Newton County communities. In this effort, we provide health symposiums, personal medical devices, financial support to cover membership dues at senior centers and updates on services available to seniors. 

To sustain these objectives, The foundation seeks sponsorships from businesses and individuals.